The EyeGiene Insta-Warmth System provides controlled warmth to eyelids for optimal care and comfort associated with Dry Eye, Blepharitis, Meibomian Gland Dysfunction and Stress.
Self-activated and portable so it’s fast and convenient
- Temperature controlled so it’s always the right temperature.
- Up to 10 minutes of uninterrupted warmth so you can be confident that it will work
- No stove, microwave or boiling required so you can easily use it anytime, anywhere or when travelling.
Eyelids and Warm Compresses
The tear film of the eye has three parts (water, oil and mucous) in order for it to work properly. The water layer keeps the surface of the eye moist. The oil layer floats on top of the water layer and keeps the water from evaporating. The mucous layer acts as an additional lubricant.
Most eye care professionals suggest warm compresses to assist with many eye conditions such as dry eyes, blepharitis, chalazion and styes. Until now, the challenge with most warm compresses is that it was difficult to get the right temperature applied to the eyelids (where the oil comes from) for the right amount of time. Too cool and the oil does not thin enough. Too hot and it can burn the eyelids or eyes. And who has time to boil water or microwave or even change their clothes when water drips down on them?
That’s why the EyeGiene Insta-Warmth System is the right choice for a warm compress. The warming units are portable, making the warm compress experience fast and convenient. Just activate the warming unit when required, with just the touch of a finger and insert them into the eye mask to apply warmth to the eyelids. And EyeGiene Insta-Warmth consistently warms and stays warm for up to 10 minutes at the perfect temperature to thin meibomian gland oil. No microwave, no boiling water, no burned eyelids, just the soothing warm comfort of EyeGiene. Perfect for travel bags and holidays.
For detailed instructions for use, read the product information leaflet here.
If you are an optician or ophthalomologist wishing to stock this product, please contact us for a trade price list.